Monday, February 1, 2010

Tristan knows... Vol. I

Well, it's 1:17 AM and it's the first of the month. Since I can't sleep, I might as well drop my thoughts on my blog right? Right! As, I type I scrolled to iTunes and put on Kid Cudi - Man on the moon and Soundtrack to my Life comes on. It's funny, because Cudi's whole album feels like a soundtrack to my life. You have the ins and the outs, the ups and downs, and the wins and losses.

It's a new month I'm attempting to tally up my wins and losses from last month and ask myself if I'm proud with what happened. To my knowledge I took more L's than wins. Which is never good but it's harder to win and takes no effort to lose. This week I have a job interview on campus (haven't worked since the summer) and a meeting with the Film Studies Certificate Program Director at school (hopefully the meeting goes well).

This semester I've been able to buckle down and actually focus on myself. The biggest Win I've had that I think trumps all my L's is that I really have grown. Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually, I don't regularly attend church but there is still spiritual growth. And with my growth I can say I'm proud. Yes, I still make mistakes but instead of making excuses to counteract them I've learned to own up and fix them. That is what makes me proud and not too mad about my losses as they all have made me achieve one big win.

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